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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Blue Crab season has come!!

One of my best favorite food in the U.S. is Blue crab.
Maryland is famous for Blue crab, but we can eat here in Delaware and Pennsylvania as well.

You can find Blue crabs at Seafood restaurants around your house.
They use almost same seasoning at each restaurant. The seasoning is called "Old bay".
It tastes a little bit spicy and salty, it goes very well with crab and beer!
Old bay seasoning is sold at most supermarket. You might have seen it before.

I prefer to dip crab meats into butter with spice.
Many restaurant have all you can eat or  1 dozen (12 crabs) menu.
We always order 1 dozen crab and 1 basket french flies.
That's perfect for a Asian couple, since we can't eat much like American's.

After you eat crabs, your hands get all dirty, but it worth eating!!

I often go Hilltop crab house, because it is the nearest restaurant from my house.
I saw some other restaurants on Kirkwood highway and Route1.

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