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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Prepaid Cellphone for the people who stays more than a year

As I wrote the article "Tracfone (prepaid cell phone)" for the people who don't use a phone often and stays in the U.S. for a short period,  I recommend to have Tracfone.

However, I have used Tracfone for a year, I feel some inconvenient for Tracfone.
I own i-pod touch, which can only use under wifi area, Checking Email and i-massage by i-pod touch. It's getting complicated to mix using both i-pod touch and Tracfone.

Recently, people use smartphone mainly. We use G mail or Yahoo mail like a text massage. Smart phone shows text massage like a chatting and easy to see.

The picture below is from a flier of Radio shack.
It's sale, but you can find they have monthly plan without annual contract except for middle one. Each company's plan will change, so I won't write anything here, but you can go to Radio shack or Best buy, or any special store, and ask them. There are many kinds of discount if you contract with family or Internet service together, and so on. I hope you can find the best plan which suite you.

Big 4 of cellphone company


* This site might be a help to compare cell phone providers.   Top 10 Reviews
   Also, this site has a chart to select providers.  Whistle Out

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